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Nilo Peçanha


The Fazenda Saúva is enclosed by the Atlantic rainforest in the community Nilo Peçanha in the state of Bahia in the north-east of Brazil.

The famous Dendê coast derived its name from the Dendê palm trees which are widespread. Here in the middle of an endless landscape of coconut groves you will find beautiful beaches and coves with calm blue waters.

The whole region is a paradise teeming with tropical fruit; exotic spices like guaraná, açaí, cupuaçú, jackfruit, cocoa, coffee and dendê. 


Due to the lush tropical vegetation that surrounds Nilo Peçanha this place is a joy for nature lovers.



You arrive at the airport of Salvador and from Salvador you take the ferry to the island of Itaparica. During the passage which takes approximately

one hour you can enjoy the view of the upper and lower town of Salvador and of islands in the huge bay of “Baía de todos os santos”. 

Then you can either travel by car or bus and after a 2 to 3 hour journey you will reach the picturesque village of Nilo Peçanha.



Nilo Pecanha enjoys a tropical climate.   Temperatures are warm throughout the year with  rainy and dry periods.

The rainy season takes place from February till July and is usually humid and hot. During these months there is a lot of rain!  Temperatures range from 26 to 30°C.   Although occasionally it can fall to around 19 degrees.

In the dry period, which takes place from August to January, the maximum temperature is between 27 and 30°C during daytime and cooler at night with a minimum temperature of around 20°C.  It is much drier during this season.

The water temperatures of the Atlantic in this region are pleasantly warm throughout the year with 25 to 28°C on average.

Fauna – The wildlife of the Mata Atlantica


Parallel to the lush vegetation, the most stunning aspect is the versatile fauna of this region. The largest amount of endangered animal species of Brazil derives from the Atlantic rain forest such as the howler monkey, the lion tamarin, the spotted jaguar, the „Tatu-canastra“ (an armadillo species), the anteater (Tamanduá bandeira), the maned sloth, the Capivara and the „Arara-azul-pequena“. In addition to these highly endangered species this ecosystem accommodates skunks, other sloth species, tapirs, coatis and many others.


849 bird species, 370 amphibians, 200 reptile species, 270 mammals and 350 fish species

Many of the species are endangered because of the rapid settlement of people in the region and the clearing of the rain forest (mainly for industrial use such as paper production).

In addition it is difficult to enforce legal protection, hunting bans and export limitations for furs, skins, shells and live animals. On one hand the local population relies on meat for existence but on the other hand the black market in animal contraband flourishes.

papagaio verde
papagaio azul
tamarin de leão
onca pintada
bicho preguica
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